Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bud Light

Entropy photo - Day 17

This is my photo day from day 17 of the April Challenge from PhotoChallenge.org.

La Coneja Más Talentosa

I haven't quite kept up with the April Challenge from PhotoChallenge.org (as noted by a recent comment). I lay part of the blame on a recent project for Spanish class, in which I had to create a children's book written in Spanish. I decided to make my entire book with Photoshop and images I found on Cute Overload, and I was quite pleased with the results:

Bunnies - Cover

Bunnies - Cover

Bunnies - Cover

Bunnies - Cover

Bunnies - Cover

Bunnies - Cover

Bunnies - Cover

If you can read Spanish (and somehow discover my blog), I really
hope you enjoy this tale.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

April Challenge Day 6: Rose Creek Bike Trail

Entropy photo - Day Four

This is my photo day from day six of the April Challenge from PhotoChallenge.org.

I took a nice ride down to Pacific Beach today. On the way back I discovered the Rose Creek Bike Trail along with a bit of entropy.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

April Challenge Day 5: Rusted Base

Entropy photo - Day Four

This is my photo day from day five of the April Challenge from PhotoChallenge.org.

The rusted base of a sign at Mesa College.

April Challenge Day 4: Dead Lock

Entropy photo - Day Four

This is my photo day from day four of the April Challenge from PhotoChallenge.org.

This is a lock whose purpose so far has been to prevent people from stealing a garbage can. What a sad existence.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April Challenge Day 3: Treehouse

Entropy photo - Day Three

This is my photo day from day three of the April Challenge from PhotoChallenge.org.

I've always though I should take a picture of this ugly place. There is graffiti all over this area, but it seems like a bunch of dumb kids rather than vicious gangsters. I've never actually seen anyone hanging out near this tunnel

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Challenge Day 2: Dust

Entropy photo - Day Two

This is my photo day from day two of the April Challenge from PhotoChallenge.org.

I'm really content with the experience of this challenge so far. It has really forced me to be very observant everywhere of things that are decaying or falling apart.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Challenge Day 1: Dead Leaves on a Healthy Branch

Entropy photo - Day One

This is my photo day from day one of the April Challenge from PhotoChallenge.org.

It's the end of the day and this is the best shot I had today. I had some failed attempts at shooting some moldy bread that I found in the kitchen this morning, but I became fearful of my health too quickly to get any interesting shots. Hopefully I'll start to see some better images as the month progresses.